Dr David Waterhouse MBChB, FRACS
Kia ora, I am an Otolaryngologist, Head and Neck Surgeon (ENT), born and raised in Northland. I gained my fellowship with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS) in 2013. Then, I spent two years in Auckland and Yorkshire, where I developed extra skills in complex ear, neck and nasal surgery through a Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Surgical Fellowship.
I have been the clinical director of Otolaryngology at Northland District Health Board, co-ordinating public ENT care for Northland. I am a national training and educational committee member supervising our future ENT surgeons. I have skills in all areas of ENT care. Vanessa and I look forward to meeting you in our clinic.
E: davidwaterhouse@tuhauora.co.nz
P: 09 553 3781
Dr Vanessa Vallely MBChB, FRNZCGP
Kia ora, I am a General Practitioner and mother of two with 15 years of experience seeing and treating patients in Primary care. I am a fellow of the Royal New Zealand College Of General Practitioners (FRNZCGP). I have extra qualifications in skin cancer medicine and coordinate education sessions/supervision for GPs throughout Northland.
I have expertise in medical aspects of ENT care, such as Allergy, Hearing assessment and Ear Health.
I am the Clinical Director of the Tūhauora Clinic, where David and I work as a team to provide comprehensive ENT care for you and your family.
E: vanessavallely@tuhauora.co.nz
P: 09 553 3781
David Waterhouse and Vanessa Vallely